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Category: After School and Summer Programs

After School and Summer Programs

Learn All About Our After-School & Summer Programs

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Are you looking for an after-school or summer program tailored to children and youth under 22 with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) or mental health diagnoses? Look no further than RISE Services, Inc. Utah. We’re thrilled to present our comprehensive after-school programs and enriching summer experiences designed specifically for individuals with I/DD or mental health […]

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After School and Summer Programs

5 Valuable Benefits of Our After-School Programs

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Parents of children living with developmental and intellectual disabilities want their children to grow and succeed more than anything. An after-school program created specifically for children who need positive behavior supports in a structured and safe setting can be a valuable part of their learning and development. At RISE Services, Inc. Utah, we host after-school […]

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Social Skills

6 Positive Effects of Social Programs for Individuals With Disabilities

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One of our goals at RISE Services, Inc. Utah is to foster the personal growth and independence of individuals living with developmental disabilities. Not only do our various programs provide a safe space for individuals to learn and grow, but they also provide valuable opportunities for developing social skills and relationships with others. Learn more […]

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How to Stay Cool & Hydrated During the Hot Utah Temperatures

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High temperatures are responsible for thousands of illnesses and hundreds of deaths each year. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to protect yourself and those in your care when spending time outdoors. RISE Services, Inc. Utah has some practical guidance for when you’re taking your elderly parent outside for a walk, supervising youth who […]

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Summer Program

3 Questions About Our Summer Programs

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If you’re looking for structured activities for your child with a developmental disability or mental health diagnosis, consider the Summer Program at RISE Services, Inc. of Utah. Our program combines a balance of skill-building, community inclusion, and typical summer activities while always emphasizing personal health and safety. Our staff is trained and encouraged to fully […]

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