Providing Stability & Opportunity
We license foster families to provide loving and stable homes for children in the foster care system. We also license families to foster children and adults with developmental disabilities. If you have any questions or need assistance with Fostering, please contact RISE Services, Inc. directly at (801) 373-1197.
![Foster Care & Family Services Utah](/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/foster-care-family-in-utah.jpg)
Adults and children with developmental disabilities live their best lives in a stable family setting. However, that setting does not always come easily. RISE creates stability and opportunity for children and adults. We provide programs, services, and support to help families and caretakers create a stable family setting. Our support services are adapted and catered to the specific needs of every individual and family we serve. We have more experience delivering this type of support than any other agency in Utah.
“We have been professional parents with RISE since 2002 and have had ...”
“I was asked to give some thoughts to share that would help prospective ...”
If you are interested in providing any of these services, please contact RISE today by calling (801) 373-1197.
Full-Time Professional Parenting
Often people use the terms Foster Parent and Professional Parent interchangeably. However, there is a small difference. A foster parent is a state-certified caregiver who provides in-home supports to a minor that has been placed into their home by the State. A professional parent is a state-certified caregiver that provides in-home support to an individual diagnosed with a developmental disability or mental health condition. At RISE, we provide three different types of Professional Parenting services.
We believe children should live in family settings, regardless of the complexities of their needs. Unfortunately, some children in State custody are unable to live with their families. We provide fully licensed, loving, and supportive homes through our Professional Parenting program for these children.
The RISE Professional Parent Program has consistently demonstrated its ability to support any child, regardless of difficulty, in a family setting. Our services can be increased or decreased seamlessly, without the disruption of moving the child from the home. Our Professional Parents are highly skilled and receive ongoing training including behavioral and therapeutic training and supports to assist them with their role. Depending on the individuals’ needs, parents may also receive additional services including hourly respite staffing and professional behavior supports.
Host Homes
Many adults with developmental disabilities are able to live with varying degrees of independence. It is often very helpful to have the steady care and support of a host home. Host homes are licensed by RISE and offer semi-independent living arrangements for the individual. In these settings, we are often able to provide additional services to support the family and help the individual be successful.
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Respite Care
Respite care is part-time, substitute foster care. When full-time Professional Parents need to travel or simply need to take some time away, respite providers step in to help. These substitute foster care parents are required to go through the same licensing process, including a criminal background screening, as full-time foster parents.
Respite foster care is a great way to help an individual in need without having to commit to a full-time position. As a respite foster parent, you can decide the level of care you are ready and able to handle. Respite providers must be at least 21 years of age. Compensation depends on the level of care the child requires and the length of time respite care is needed.